We cannot have a beautiful life if we always find faults in others.
Each day brings an opportunity for you to do something good that may bring the smile on the face of people. Yes, it is possible by way of anything showing your talent and skill including writing some interesting articles for people with an aim to entertain them. .
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Land of Gods - Uttarakhand, India
A land of Gods – Uttarakhand (India)
“Uttarakhand" is in the northern part of the Indian Map. Definition of Uttar in Hindi language means North. The state was earlier known as Garhwal and Kumaon , and also 'Dev Bhumi’ (Land of Gods) because the land is filled with many pilgrimages and temples of Hindu Gods.
It is a beautiful hill station, which is popular for its utmost beauty that is immensely blessed by nature and is one of the popular tourist places in India.
It is situated in the Mid-Himalayan region and was earlier known as Kedarkhand and Manaskhand in the Hindu Purans (Ancient Holy Scriptures).
Geographical Aspect
It consists of a total area of 53,484 square km that is mostly covered by mountainous and forest. The northern part of the state is covered by the high Himalayan peaks covered with glaciers.
This beautiful place shares its border with the Tibet Autonomous Region in the north, the Mahakali Zone of the Far-Western Region, Nepal in the east; and the Indian States of Uttar Pradesh to the south and Himachal Pradesh to the northwest.
The state was earlier divided into two regions known as Garhwal and Kumaon, with a total of 13 districts in both the regions as given below:
Chamoli Garhwal, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarkashi, Tehri Garhwal, Rudra Prayag, Haridwar, and Dehradun.
Almora, Bageshwar, Champawat, Nainital, Pithoragarh and Udham Singh Nagar.
Dehradun is presently the provisional capital of Uttarakhand and is also the largest city in the region. However, the State will have its permanent capital in a few years when a suitable place is built with modern infrastructure and amenities required for the functioning as a Capital of the State.
Sharing the beauty of the Himalayas, both Garhwal and Kumaon hold their beauty in nature at perfection.
People of these two Regions are named after the place of origin as Garhwali and Kumauni. They speak their regional languages with each other, however, Hindi is the most common language and also an official language exchanged in these two places for education, business, and general awareness among the local population. Mostly this state consists of Rajputs and Brahmins along with Sikhs, Christians, Muslims and other religions.
Religious Aspect
Apart from other aspects that complete it as a State, Uttarakhand is known for their unique quality that makes it different from all other States in the country.
It is a state or a place that has been defined to have a rich history and existence of human are provided from the pre- historic times as well. It has been named in many holy books and by many saints. There are some names by which this place had been known mentioned in many of the holy books and novels, for example, it was referred to as Uttaranchal the compilers of the Upanishads, Uttarkaushal by Valmiki and Uttarkuru by Ved Vyasa who wrote the epic Mahabharata (as per History).
The Holy River Ganga at Gangotri and Yamuna at Yamunotri are the two holy rivers that shower their utmost blessings on the place with their existence. Due to the presence of Badrinath, Kedarnath and these two holy rivers in the State, this place is also known for forming the 'Chhota Char Dham', means Holy pilgrimage for Hindus.
The State, apart from the temples and the pilgrimages, is also famous for the Bengal Tiger in Jim Corbett National Park. It is the one of the oldest national parks in the Indian subcontinent.
Apart from it, this place also holds The Valley of Flowers, which is a site identified by the UNESCO World Heritage located in the upper expanses of Bhyundar Ganga near Joshimath in Garhwal region. This valley is known for its variety and rarity of flowers and plants. Along with the valley of flowers the Nanda Devi National Park in Chamoli District is also identified as the UNESCO World Heritage site.
The place is famous for its unique plants and animals that are protected by the sanctuaries and Reserves.
Apart from the above-mentioned parks and renowned places in Uttarakhand, Rajaji National Park in Haridwar District and Govind Pashu Vihar National Park and Sanctuary and Gangotri National Park in Uttarkashi District are some other protected areas in the State.
Economical Aspect
With the inception of an independent State, Uttarakhand can become a fastest growing economy and also can a great role in contributing towards tourism in the country. The States earns a handsome amount of Revenue on the Tourism and Heritage.
Like other states in India contributing towards GDP growth, Uttarakhand population is also found to be engaged in Agriculture mostly. The most common and widely grown crops are Basmati rice, wheat, groundnuts, soya beans, coarse cereals, oil -seeds, pulses etc.
The city is also known for exporting Liches, medicinal herbs and plants and basmati rice to the other parts of the country.
It is also famous for growing fruits as apples, oranges, litchi, plums, pears and peaches.
Due to its existence in the stretch of the Himalayas and covered by hills, mountains, and forests, it automatically gets listed in the list of the most visited tourist places in India.
The place being a hilly region does not support a very good railway and airways and thus the city’s transport is handled mostly by buses, auto rickshaws, cycle rickshaws and shared jeeps. Almost 1000 State owned buses are running through the roads which include national and intercity bus services by the Uttarakhand Transport Corporation.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Abusive Spouse
Abusive Spouse
We feel good when our behavior towards all human beings especially women and
children is appreciated by people. Everyone knows that if a disrespectful treatment is given to anyone, its impact will always be negative. We have also noticed that most of the people remain unhappy due to abusive behavior of the person connected with their daily life but they are not able to show their anger towards them due to one or the other reason.
These problems mostly arise in the marriage when one of the spouses becomes abusive. The spouse fails to keep his or her temper in control; as a result, the relationship is affected adversely. This also happens when one of the spouses sets a boundary for his or her spouse and lacks communication. Staying away from the regular interaction brings so many problems and makes it difficult for them to lead a normal family life
Living with an abusive spouse is difficult but
not impossible because if we think it in a positive way, it can be countered
with our soft approach to making the other person understand his or her
responsibility. Sometimes, it becomes almost impossible for people to stay in
this kind of relationship, because instead of trying to bring an amicable
solution, they prefer to become selfish or self-centered.
Conduct of an abusive person
An abusive spouse is always known in the society. They do not care about others and keep on fighting. Most of the people (men) avoid confrontation and try to tolerate things of being abused by their spouse for several reasons, like the involvement of children and parents, fear of disrespect in the society and disturbance of peace in their family.
Take care of your Self- Respect
Always avoid compromising with the situation or self-respect and morale. The life of a person having an abusive spouse sometimes drags him or her into a long and stressful stage that abandons them from their family, parents, and friends and it further makes their life miserable. We have even noticed that in some of the cases of an abusive relationship, the abusive spouse throws his spouse out of his house without knowing the consequences of his move.
Taking Divorce is not a Solution
When the spouse decides to go for divorce, the case is kept on hold for years in a court of law or they do not get the divorce easily. During such period, they spend a stressful life and their best years of life go in vain. On the other hand, during this course, they feel the need of love and companionship but never get it.
Let yourself lead a peaceful family life
What we feel is that the abusive relationship once faced should not be dragged so long and may be resolved amicably as early as possible as carrying it for years is not going to give respite to any one of them. The abusive behavior of a spouse can be stopped if a sincere effort by the male or female spouse is made to solve it at the initial stage. It should not be ignored or taken casually as its side effect is not only critical but harmful to both the spouses, their children, and parents.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Human Relationship with a Pet

Human Relationship with a Pet
Allowing a pet at home to live with you happens when you are a pet lover. In addition, there are a plenty of other reasons and benefits which support the presence of a pet in a house. Domestic pets such as Dogs and Cats are the common choices which are found to be made by people since hundreds of years.Now let us know the points that are kept in mind when a person starts with a pet at home apart from being a pet lover.
Needs of a Person
It is essential to understand that like all other things, the needs of a pet might vary from one pet to the other. Thus, the benefits from the chosen pet, need of your family, things required for their better care and other arrangements, are the essential points to be kept in mind while making a choice of a pet.
Keeping a pet at home is not an easy task as they need good care and support to adjust to your way of living just as a new child at home, for which one has to spare time. Besides some pets like Dogs, Cats, Rats, Rabbits, etc., often chew the wrong things at home as Sofa, Carpet, electric wire, curtain and thus may put harm to these items. They are also great companions to stay with and like every other pet; they bring a lot of entertainment at home with their enjoyable behavior and activities. With a positive thought in mind, we may go for any of the available options to start with a new member in the house.

Cats and Kittens: Cats are also a preferred choice, found in most of the houses and they are also loved at home. Unlike dogs, they just act as a matter of fun and provide entertainment to all.

The other most preferred animals found as a pet in the houses are Cow, Horse, Donkey, Hen, Pigs, and Pigeons etc. The majority of these animals listed here are meant for commercial reasons like Cows for agricultural purposes and also for providing milk, bullock carts, used in marriages and also as a mode of transport. Chicken and Hens as a non-vegetarian product in the market and also in the poultry farms, Horses are used for carrying goods and in the present days they are also used as an entertainment in the race course. Donkeys and Pigeon, on the other hand, are mainly used for commercial need.
In context to the above information, it is important that we understand, be it for any purpose, it becomes your responsibility that they are treated with a lot of affection and care.
Medical Assistance
It is important to understand that before we make any choice of a pet, we may consult the Veterinarian and gather all the required information connected with the health of a pet.
Even after the pet is a part of the house, their health and safety should be of prime importance to us.
Life Span of a Pet
With all other information collected by you for the better care of your pet, it is also important to know the exact lifespan of your pet, which would help you to look after the needs of your pet in a better way.
Search for a suitable Pet
Before we begin the search for the best and a suitable pet, it is essential that a proper place should be prepared for their stay. However, while preparing a cage or a house for a pet, it is important to prioritize their requirements.
Hygienic Condition
Good hygiene for your pet is one of the basic requirements. Whereas always prefer to wash hands before we touch or hold them in our hands. Many pets like dog, cat, rabbit etc have sharp nails that help them scratching things at home. As soon as their nails grow, make sure to cut them on time. To keep them healthy, they also need a bath at least every alternative day to help remove dirt from their bodies.
Behavior with the pet
The involvement of the pets with us depends on our way of behavior with them. We should not forget that though they can’t speak but they feel both care and pain. We should nourish them as we do for our own kids because the better we care them, the better they would become friendly and faithful to us.
Welcome mode
New pets, when brought at home, require more care and love that will help them to know the family members. This will help them to get mixed up in the family environment which is an important aspect of a happy living of every pet.
Basic Role of a Pet
Having a pet at home gives an auspicious sign as animals like Dogs and Cats have ultra sensitive senses that allow them to understand in the event of the presence of a ghost and also other paranormal activities in the environment. The pets are also beneficial to human beings as they play an important role in their life by easing stress, anxiety and also can substantially boost your mood. The companionship of a pet can also make a long-term change in your behavior and the lifestyle. All these benefits are, however, subject to the condition that they are looked after well and given due importance as a member of your family.
Lastly, a pet is a living being and not a toy so we should always remember that apart from entertainment, the involvement of them in our life also becomes their need. Thus, we should not exclude them from our lives when we feel that we are bored of them at home. The more you give the more the return to you.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Male Supremacy in Marriage
Marriage is a bond between two people, with equal efforts and dedication to the relation. However, we have seen in quite a few marriages that the husband always wants to play his supremacy. He wants to be heard, respected, feared, demanding and does not accept “No” and moreover welcomes no suggestions. The wife has a very little or no say at home. Despite a combined effort in the family by both the partners, some male spouses showcase their supremacy in the family. We often experience that the supremacy of the male spouse is not very uncommon in families and are not totally opposed to either the wife or anyone else.
Feeling of Supremacy
In this era as well, where we talk about equality in gender and both men and women are equally capable in every sphere, there is still a lot of difference that has not been bridged appropriately. It would be incorrect to say that respect comes with supremacy in the relation rather both the persons in this relation are just two sides of the coin.
The feeling of supremacy in most of the husbands is driven by the fact that they tend to overlook or ignore the specialties of their spouse or in other words they fear the comparison. They also lack the quality of effective listening and are only found to react. The spouse thus constantly reels under stress and strain and lives a pathetic life. In this case, most of the relations are seen to last only for the sake of the family and to safeguard the interest of the children.
In context to the matter, there are few categories in which over-demanding husbands can be classified:
1. Neglectful Spouse:
Few of the husbands are often seen to abandon the efforts of their spouse and ignore their dedication and equal contribution. They have no sight to the kind of efforts, either monetarily or other ways put by their wives for the family. Apart from this, these kinds of husbands are always seen in the urge of sacrifice by their wives only for the welfare of the house and their own comfort and skip the responsibilities with one or the other excuse.
Even after the efforts of the wife, they never appreciate them and look for more and keep advising. In this category, the husband not only neglects the efforts and sacrifices of their wives but also overlooks their requirement as a wife (emotional, mental) apart from the basic material amenities given.
2. Demanding husband:
The other category of husbands is those who fall a prey to their demands by putting aside the desires and thoughts of their spouse. Demands are healthy sometimes where you want your partner’s little attention towards you; however, when demands cross the willingness or suppress the identity of your spouse, it is totally unethical in nature.
It is an alarm for those spouses with the demanding husbands, as sometimes meeting their demands simply means demolishing your instincts, emotions, and choices. A crave for controlling and ruling your spouse can lead to destructive consequences. These kinds of people often put the other person in a position with no choices than fulfilling their wishes and imitate the picture of a little boy who knows nothing than what he demands. On the other hand, the demanding husband is difficult to deal with but at the same time, they give an early alarm or threat to the consequences of the relation.
There are few who wish every activity or demand to be fulfilled within a speculated time irrespective of the hardships or other commitments of their spouse. This aspect can further be described with examples like food on the table on time, what said should be given the first priority; your priorities should circle around me and much more. In this sphere, the most common feeling carried by the wife is that they are never appreciated for anything they do. Apart from doing their best, they revolve around the thought of impressing their husband all the time.
Living the life of the happiness of others is a very significant thought, whereas, suppressing you in the process fades the self-esteem and confidence in the person. And, mostly this is what is seen in the female spouses, who for the sake of safeguarding the family’s benefit roll on with the faults of their spouse.
The third category of husbands can be identified as those who think that they are the boss. They categorize their spouse as someone who is only to take the orders and obey them. They take no interest in the intellectual or need no appreciation to be poured on their spouse’s plate of share. Their decision in the family is the first and the last and no correction or suggestion would be acceptable. They behave like the king and everyone else is as their subordinate.
Whether these kinds of male spouses are categorized under any title, the life and the relationship with the over- demanding spouse can always ruin the relation and the freedom of speech of an individual. The spouses suffering experiences a trial at every step and their heart only wants to fly away from the relationship.
3. Over-demanding Instances
There are many instances of over-demanding husbands that many female spouses witness in their marriage.
1. Some of the male spouses do not wish their wives to take part in any of the decisions, but to obey and fulfill what is decided. They want their wives to move as per their will and any desire can be suppressed to maintain the supremacy.
2. Most of the husbands do not desire their wife to step ahead during their intimate times as well. It should always be the husband who invites his spouse for the act and any signs of invitation by the wife can be regarded as morally incorrect.
3. A woman has no right to say ‘No’ in the relation especially when the husband desires to be intimate.
Even in some of the families we witness that the attire of the female is also chosen according to the desire of their spouse and they refrain from doing what they want to maintain peace and love at home.
Effort to safeguard the Relation
It is important to note that compromise in the relation is important to some extent, where it is done with love and care for the benefit of a healthy relation and add the healthy ingredients to spice it up with happiness. However, to suppress own self from living a life of freedom to breathe with happiness is not what is demanded by the relation. Marriage is a knot where two people are tied with love and blessings and no one is handcuffed at the false desires of their spouse. It is important for your over- demanding husband to understand that his spouse is his partner for life and not their followers. It is the right of both the partners, whether husband or wife to get the best out of the relation and nourish it with love and care. And, no one can do more without the other. In other words, it has to be a combined effort to safeguard and flourish the relation.
Protect her Rights
Give your spouse the opportunity to express themselves with freedom. They have all the rights to be reluctant enough at what they do not find correct and put their way of thoughts. Give them the freedom of willingness on what you ask for; they might be reluctant at times due to other priorities in her share, their comfort level or they might not find it wise.
Let her express and decide on what you both agree to a win- win scenario. Do not try to mold your partner in what you wish to see them. Accept them the way they are. A little care and a lot of love can change your spouse towards betterment.
Bring Happiness, not Tears
Lastly, do not close your eyes towards the demands of your spouse. This is never the best solution to preserve a relation with ease. None can be the boss of the other or be the supreme and you are also not permitted to limit you to yourself only in the relation. Turning order into the request, decision into advice and demand into desire, you can make life easy on both the sides. Ending a relation can only leave a scar of the memories in your thoughts and can fade the desire to expect from relations. Thus, a little understanding can bring happiness and smile in life.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Deadly Reasons to give up Smoking
Deadly reasons to give up Smoking?
Even after the advertisements on the television, warnings from friends, closed ones, threatening, reasons to leave, doctor’s advice and what not, once adopted we do not quit the only habit that can take our lives. Even after understanding all the impacts, consequences of it, we rather get so used to this addiction that we make it next to impossible for us.
How does a habit which is just an option for fun at times become a “to do requirement” for us?
Few examples of my friends who cannot leave smoking because –
1) I cannot fresh up in the morning without smoking.
2) I really feel good when I smoke only when I am tensed.
3) It reduces the burden of tiredness and gives relaxation.
4) It makes me feel great and tension free.
5) I do not smoke so much that it will kill me.
6) Please do not advice about what I know – what happens to people who may be smoking from their college time and still living healthy at this age.
7) I cannot even try to leave smoking as it is next to impossible.
8) The only addiction, I have, I even do not drink.
It is an unending list if I go on writing about the reasons they do to defend their addiction. But what is the reality? Everyone is aware of that.
A simple and small step took to just show off in front of the friends becomes an unending addiction to people.
Giving up addiction is Not Impossible
But, is it so tough and next to impossible? A single say –impossible means, I am possible. So, why not with a zeal and willpower, we start trying to get rid of this hazardous addiction of smoking.
With the other existing reasons which are enough to quit this unhealthy addiction, a recent study has revealed two more to add to its list. They are given below:-
1) A study in London has revealed another reason for you to understand and kick the habit of smoking. “People who smoke lose around 1/3rd of their everyday memory” a new British study suggested.
However, the Northumbria University study also found that if we give up the habit of smoking, the ability to recollect can be restored. Also, it can reach to a percentage of recollection as a person who does not smoke or called as the non-smoker.
Understand the Effects of Smoking
For the purpose of the latest study, people were recruited at the age of 18-25 years and were asked to recollect from a tour they had taken part, organized by the University. The people were asked to recall some of the events like music acts listed to play at the students ’union and tasks completed at various points – known as a weak world memory test.
Smokers performed badly, as they could recall just 59 % of tasks. However, those who had given up the addiction could recall 74% while those who had never smoked recalled 81 % of the tasks.
According to Dr. Tom Hermann, head of the University’s drug and alcohol research Group, the findings would be useful in anti- smoking campaigns. Given that there are millions of smokers in the world, it is important to understand the effects of smoking have the everyday cognitive function of which prospective memory is an excellent example, he said. “This is the first time that a study has set out to check whether giving up smoking has an effect on memory?”
According to him “we already know that giving up smoking has huge health benefits for the body, but this study also shows how it can have knocked on benefits for cognitive functions too.
For the purpose of the latest study, people were recruited at the age of 18-25 years and were asked to recollect from a tour they had taken part, organized by the University. The people were asked to recall some of the events like music acts listed to play at the students ’union and tasks completed at various points – known as a weak world memory test.
Smokers performed badly, as they could recall just 59 % of tasks. However, those who had given up the addiction could recall 74% while those who had never smoked recalled 81 % of the tasks.
According to Dr. Tom Hermann, head of the University’s drug and alcohol research Group, the findings would be useful in anti- smoking campaigns. Given that there are millions of smokers in the world, it is important to understand the effects of smoking have the everyday cognitive function of which prospective memory is an excellent example, he said. “This is the first time that a study has set out to check whether giving up smoking has an effect on memory?”
According to him “we already know that giving up smoking has huge health benefits for the body, but this study also shows how it can have knocked on benefits for cognitive functions too.
Smoking has not only become a matter of fashion and ways to throw impact for boys on others, but it has highly affected the girls who think that it adds to their personality, shows off how wide they think about life and their openness towards things compared to others.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
How much we know about the power of Flowers?
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Most of us know that flowers are colorful, beautiful in its look, loving and impressive that once it comes in your hand, it becomes your world for the moment. And, you would definitely like to present it someone close to your heart.
Above all, everyone loves flowers, but only a few of us know about the quality of flowers. Some of the flowers are not only beautiful in its look, but are tremendously useful for our health when taken as edible extracts decoction:
It is known for promoting a feeling of well-being and calmness.
It has a high level of antioxidants and gently relieves water retention.
If taken as a tea, it also increases good cholesterol (HDL)
and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL).
It’s a gentle laxative and also used in Unani medicines. It is
cooling in nature and also drunk as a summer sharbat. Rose water is also known
as a natural way to keep the skin hydrated and fresh. Rose essence mixed with
distilled water reduces facial redness and itchiness.
It is rich in vitaminsB, C, and phosphorus. A lotus flower decoction treats acidity, ulcers, diseases of the spleen and liver, overheating, rashes, high blood pressure and anxiety problems. Lotus roots control blood haemorrhagic conditions due to the presence of quercetin that improves early cutting and also prevents blood loss. Its extracts can also delay premature greying of hair.
Evening Primrose
Its oil is used extensively in essence and drops to reduce mood swings and sub-clinical depression associated with changes to hormones, prostate problems and hormonal fluctuations during menopause. When used as a capsule, it is swallowed with water.
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