Sunday, April 10, 2016

A new way to lose excess body weight


We do normal exercises, tough workouts, and run on the road as if it is a marathon race just to lose few kilos of excess weight from our body, but do we get any satisfactory result up to our expectation with these practices?

I think, ‘No', because we don't enjoy the workout being less enjoyable to us owing to reasons like we won't make it sure to perform the exercise every day or we do not follow the norms of weighing loss according to guidance. Out of these three reasons, one reason, however, perfectly matches the topic and that is –‘we don't enjoy the workout as it is less enjoyable to us'.  It is also a fact that by getting excess sleep, it can increase the amount of fat in our body even if we are on dieting for weight loss. Sleep is natural, but when we take sleep more than our body requires, it doesn't make us feel refreshed and this is harmful for our health.

Many of us perhaps don't know that an active sex life may help us lose
weight provided it is performed gradually. An hour of exercise on a treadmill burns the same calories as an hour of active sex.

This is the same ratio as how much we lose weight after taking a fast walk, lifting weights or jogging for the same duration.  This is useful particularly for couples who have gained excess weight after their wedding. If they are determined to lose weight, they need to think on this issue and follow it for a healthy life.  With this fun, not only our sex life will improve, but we can also make a better body image. And, when we see all these changes in ourselves, we may further switch over to some healthier eating habits and other physical exercise to build up our stamina.

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