Showing posts with label shadows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shadows. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Why does a Cat stare continuously at the Wall?

Sometimes, we observe that a Cat or a Dog is continuously staring at the Wall. We take it as a normal activity on the part of our Pet, but the fact is something else that most of the people generally do not know about it.
Few people might be aware of the cat’s activity, especially those who are animal lovers and have a pet at home as the Cats have a different way of catching your attention and they are better manipulators to draw your attention towards them. As a Cat when grows older, may need a little extra care to help them to climb on anything like chairs, etc. easily.
An elderly cat when becomes weak or less energetic, definitely needs a bit more comfortable life than the young ones.
Staring at anything is also one of their favorite activities. When a Cat stares at a spot or a Wall continuously, there may be more than one reason, like the Cat might have seen a mouse present there or an insect crawling on the wall or not able to climb on the wall. But the reason a cat might have seen a paranormal presence near the wall or have seen the shadows of spirits on the wall is a thing to be believed.
Whatever may be the reasons, but it is a fact that there is certainly a legitimate reason owing to which a cat’s action cannot be unnoticed.