Monday, July 20, 2015

Excess Salt is Poison

If salt is put in excess then food cannot be eaten. It becomes poisonous. The ill effect of salt damages tissues, nerves, etc. It also destroys the natural taste of food products.

It is the root cause of liver and kidneys getting damaged. Its excessive use can cause cancer, obesity, diabetes, cold, restlessness, etc. It affects intestines and the delicate skin of stomach. It increases heart beat and blood pressure of person besides acidity. It does not get digested, so its excessive use causes increased thirst, to dissolve it in water and flow it out.

The requirement of salt can be fulfilled by salt in natural foods like fruits, vegetables, sprouted, etc. When food is cooked, its natural salt gets destroyed. Only cooked food should have slight amount of salt in it. In natural food stuff as fruits, salad, sprouted, juice, curd, etc., salt need to be used.

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